Lung Support and Respiratory

Support healthy lungs and a healthy respiratory system. VitaPost Lung Support features Vitamins C and K₂, botanical antioxidant extracts like quercetin and pine bark, and 250mg of Cordyceps extract.

VitaPost Lung Support is a dietary supplement that has become increasingly relevant in the world today. Featuring vitamin C, vitamin K (menaquinone), antioxidants, targeted botanicals and a healthy serving of Cordyceps mushroom extract, Lung Support provides nutritional support for a healthy respiratory system.

Inhale, Exhale… How does the respiratory system work?

Many cultures view breath as our lifeforce, but not many people are aware of how the respiratory system works and how it can be supported with nutrition.

Support Healthy Lungs

Every cell in your body needs oxygen. When you inhale, air enters your lungs, and oxygen from the air moves to your blood. When you exhale, waste gas (mostly CO2) moves from your blood to the lungs to be breathed out. Inhaling and exhaling cause the lungs to expand and constrict repeatedly, like an elastic balloon that is being blown up then let out.

The lungs are supported and protected by muscles and bones. The diaphragm is the strong wall of muscle that separates your chest cavity from your abdominal cavity. When inhaling (‘inspiration’) the diaphragm contracts and the chest cavity enlarges, creating a vacuum that pulls air into the lungs. When exhaling (‘expiration’) the diaphragm relaxes and air is forced out of the lungs.

With age and lifestyle choices, lung function begins to change. This is due to several factors. Muscles weaken with age including the diaphragm. Elasticity is naturally lost in the lung tissue. The rib cage may tighten, leaving less room for the lungs to expand. While some reduction in lung capacity is normal with age, you can support your lungs by avoiding exposure to pollutants, exercising, supporting your immune system, and ensuring you have a well-balanced diet.

Lung Support Key Ingredients

The respiratory system requires a diverse range of nutrients, just like other complex systems in the body. Even though lungs give us oxygen, they can benefit a lot from antioxidant support.2 Even the right mix of energy sources can ease breathing.3 Below are some key ingredients in our formula.

Essential Vitamins

Vitamin C is well-known for supporting the immune system, but it has specific benefits for the lungs too. Vitamin K supports healthy levels of Matrix Gla Protein, which in turn supports the elastin that’s so important for healthy, pliable lungs

Antioxidants and Botanicals

Quercetin, Citrus Bioflavonoids, and Pine Bark extract are all potent herbal compounds that support the body’s antioxidant potential. Feverfew, Butterbur, and Stinging Nettle are botanicals that are associated with support for the respiratory system in traditional practices, and the science is following closely behind.

Soothing Ingredients to Support Breathing. Breath is as natural and primal as food is. Nourish your lungs with VitaPost Lung Support.

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